Hazardous SubstancesΒΆ

Any person who introduces, or manufactures, a source of hazard in the Hacklab has a duty towards the control of the hazard and the eventual safe disposal of the material. Accurate records must be maintained.

Persons who obtain hazardous substances must obtain from the supplier a statement detailing the known or potential hazards associated with the substance, the recommended precautions and control measures. Such information, in the form of Safety Data Sheets, must be made available by law by the supplier.

A risk assessment for all work activities involving hazardous substances must be prepared before work commences, as required by the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations. The directors must be notified before new hazardous substances are introduced to allow for adequate risk assessment.

All hazardous substances must be stored and labelled appropriately.

Biological or radiation hazards should not be introduced or used in the Hacklab.